our scallops
Our scallops are harvested in several areas of the Atlantic Ocean south of the island. Scalloping is a highly regulated fishery with strict Federal annual catch limits set to ensure the sustainability of the fishery.
Martha Rose Scallops are all natural and untreated with any chemical additives. Most other scallops available for purchase have been treated by dipping in a bath of sodium tripoly phosphate (STPP). STPP makes the meat appear to have a firmer texture and causes the scallops to take up water and get heavier. That's also why often when you cook seafood treated with STPP, a milky liquid accumulates in the pan and the scallops shrink a little––the STPP makes you pay more for less!
Although this chemical is an additive permitted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, it is suspected in high doses of having negative health effects. Frankly, STPP reduces the quality of the scallops in order to improve the profit margins of seafood wholesalers and dealers.
We NEVER use STPP or other additives. We want our island neighbors to get the best possible scallops at good prices. Nothing ever touches a Martha Rose scallop except clean ocean water until it gets into your kitchen.